to risk

sharing a text message i got from a friend the other day...

It is always a risk to like someone...
it involves time, patience and understanding to get someone's heart to open up...
at times it will work; other times, it won't...
but that's why you call it a RISK--
you invest in something and there's a possibility you won't win.
However, you still get something in return...
strength of heart and mind and the assurance that you won't have any regret from NOT trying.

exposing my heart and my ego is something i've done a couple of times already and it brought forth results, sometimes favorable, sometimes not so much...but it brought results nevertheless! hehe :P but what most guys don't realize is that it takes soooo much before a girl can finally do something about what she's feeling. say for example sending a simple text, email or ym message, it takes hours of consultation and affirmation from her girl friends if what she would about to do is something she won't regret; the message would have to be carefully thought of, edited and read over a dozen of times before the "send" button is pressed. and it doesn't end there, the most difficult part is waiting for the reply. i personally hate this part. the waiting game, with the anxiety and stress it brings sometimes makes me think that i should have never sent that damn message. but what's done has been done already and all i can do is just wait.

i assume that most of my single girl friends would agree that it's really hard to make an "effort". making moves like dropping off hints that you're interested, making paramdam without being too obvious (wholesome flirting ika nga ni brother bo sanchez) are just some of the things that are so difficult to do. haaay! ang hirap talaga maging babae.


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